Now to the story of why the “N” is backwards on my business cards. My dad, Bob Roden was a member of the Osseo, MN Lions Club for over 30 years before he passed in 1993. The club wanted to make benches to place around town and my dad who was a carpenter and woodworker, who routed (engraving in wood) “Osseo Lions Club” on the backs of benches. He made a template out of plywood so that he could duplicate it in the approximately 20 benches that were being made. I don’t know if it was on purpose or just a dyslexic moment that he made the “N” backwards on the template. Whatever the reason, all the backs of the benches were routed with the backwards N, it became the talk of the town. The Club then had pins made like the benches and traded them at Regional, National and International Conventions and the Club with the Backwards “N” was the talk of the time and a big hit.
While the reason that my dad made the N backwards may never be known, I asked Hannha, the graphics artists that made my logo to make the N backwards in honor of my dad who shared his love of woodworking with me. He has been gone almost 30 years now and he still has a special place in my heart and always in my shop.
Thanks, dad, for all the memories! I love you.