Memorial Day they were started as Decoration Day during the Civil War to recognize those who died in battle. Decoration Day was a day when decorations were placed on those graves. Today, the tradition continues; in most cemeteries across the nation, an American Flag is set on all the graves of those buried there.
As we take time today, setting aside all the sales and other things that distract us. Please remember to share the real reason for the day. We remember those who have paid the ultimate price, honoring their Oath, "that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;" That is only a part of the Oath, and it is found in all of those in the Service to the United States.
While many have died after their service was completed, too many veterans are committing suicide because of the trauma experienced during service. These are preventable, so I created the Veterans Woodworking Workshop—bringing veterans together in a safe environment where connections and relationships can be built with fellow veterans.
I am grateful for those who served before me, allowing me to serve. I thank all of those who served after me to carry on the tradition and defending "the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;"
Enjoy your day today and remember those who gave all to allow you to experience this day however you choose.